Find the Safest Areas

Find the safest and most dangerous areas in your city or state. uses a complex process of statistical computation and machine learning to find the safest and most dangerous areas. This data is then parsed into simple maps and grades that anyone can understand. Put in your zip code to see crime in your city. 

or browse cities

Unparalleled Crime Data

Crime Grades and Crime Maps are available for every major crime that agencies track. Our data scientists have taken it a step further in using machine learning and advanced statistical analysis to fill in gaps in locations and even correct for reporting errors made by police departments. The safest areas are mapped right down to your block.


We have nothing to gain by presenting anything but the most accurate data possible.


CrimeGrade shows grades, maps, and statistics for every neighborhood. You will find we include more cities at higher levels of detail than anyone.



Crime Grade uses machine learning and complex data analysis to fill in gaps in the data and correct for reporting errors. Data is presented in an easy-to-understand way for free. is the new standard in neighborhood-based crime data for the United States. Our data is superior in the following ways:

  • Much more geographically specific, with crime grades available down to the neighborhood.
  • More accurate than sites that simply map user-submitted reported crimes.
  • Easier to read than a mess of pins on the map, with areas shaded by crime rate or total crime.
  • More up-to-date than sites that cannot project.

The entire nation is graded using a combination of historical data and advanced projection using state-of-the-art machine learning to fill in the gaps.

Featured Cities

Click below to get started browsing data from the largest cities in the USA, or use the search box above to choose a different city.

Crime Grade: D-

Violent Crime Grade: F

Property Crime Grade: F

Other Crime Grade: D-

Crime Grade: D-

Violent Crime Grade: D+

Property Crime Grade: F

Other Crime Grade: D-

Crime Grade: D

Violent Crime Grade: D

Property Crime Grade: D-

Other Crime Grade: D+

Crime Grade: C-

Violent Crime Grade: D

Property Crime Grade: D+

Other Crime Grade: C-

Crime Grade: D+

Violent Crime Grade: D

Property Crime Grade: D

Other Crime Grade: C-

Crime Grade: D-

Violent Crime Grade: D-

Property Crime Grade: D-

Other Crime Grade: D

What do these grades mean?

Crime Grades do not represent the crime in any given year, but are instead our projection of what crime will look like in a typical year. This is not a simple average, but a rigorous machine-learning-based projection. For what is included in each “type” of crime, click here.

Additional Resources

Data Licensing

How could your organization improve pricing and risk management if you had more granular crime and demographic data? Our data can be used to score leads, price insurance, and more. Data is available on summary levels, by individual crime, and at any level of detail down to an area of roughly 1,500 people (575 households). Contact us to begin using our data, which can be accessed either with a custom API or delivered in flat file updates.

Home Security Resources

In addition to providing detailed crime data, we have analyzed the home security industry to make recommendations for keeping your home safe, regardless of the neighborhood you live in. Please note that while we do not let income bias our recommendations, we may make commission when you click on a provider.

Contact Us

Using our data: For data licensing, click here.

Visitors: Please click here to contact us for any questions or concerns. Please keep in mind we are not a home security provider, and cannot answer questions on home security features or pricing.

Journalists: You do not need to contact us for permission to use facts, figures, or maps already published. Simply include a link back to where you found it. We are happy to take other inquiries. We can help make custom maps and put certain custom statistics together for your post.

SEOs and Marketers: We are not interested in guest posts, and will not link to posts and infographics simply because of an email. We do not buy or sell links. You may contact us for inquiries related to advertising or affiliate collaborations, provided they are in line with Google's Webmaster Guidelines.

Please keep in mind that as the most in-depth crime data provider we get many inquiries. We will attempt to respond as soon as possible to all quality contact form submissions.